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Sheila Cowley Sheila Cowley

Stories about Arts and Science, Gardening and Rainbows

Why do I make free, sensory-friendly, joyous and accessible stories for all kinds of kids and families, stories in English and in Spanish and in ASL, stories about rainbows and gardening and science, stories with artists who have disabilities? Because gardening, rainbows, science, ASL and Spanish are important! And in the world I’m trying every day to build, everybody’s treated kindly, and included. Everybody has amazing ideas to contribute.

Feature image, detail of Rainbow Forest by Sheryl L. of

I’m usually behind the scenes, but hello! Sheila Cowley here – hoping this fragile new year is treating you kindly.

Maybe we talked yesterday – maybe it’s been awhile! Or maybe you’re just getting to know the free illustrated audiobooks for kids of all abilities I’m making in English, Spanish and ASL with wonderful actors, visual artists and cool organizations.

I’m usually behind the scenes, but hello! Sheila Cowley here – hoping this fragile new year is treating you kindly.

Maybe we talked yesterday – maybe it’s been awhile! Or maybe you’re just getting to know the free illustrated audiobooks for kids of all abilities I’m making in English, Spanish and ASL with wonderful actors, visual artists and cool organizations.

Because kids need stories about arts and science, gardening and rainbows, trying and discovering solutions, and treating people kindly.

Because kind, creative kids unafraid of wild ideas are how we build the world we want to live in.

I appreciate you. And I really need your help sharing these stories everywhere they can be helpful – with a child, a teacher, a librarian, a nurse, maybe a friend who needs a bit of hope.

This is a small project embracing an enormous need. Sparks Creative Stories are free sensory-friendly stories told in the languages of so many kids and families in this country, who often get left out.

They’re stories kids can enjoy in the car, at bedtime, in hospital rooms, waiting rooms, classrooms, shelters, and when grownups are busy. Performed by fantastic actors with real and vivid voices.

The story with the great big heart above is about celebrating yourself every day – told in English, in Spanish and in ASL by the spectacular John Huls, Jay Hoff, Mary Rachel Quinn, Lillian Almodovar, Fernando Chonqui and Carol Downing, with Jay Hoff’s joyous Lego art.

And here’s a story celebrating wordplay and connection, in Ned Averill-Snell’s terrific voice with gorgeous artwork created with thrift store clothing by Kirk Ke Wang – also shared in lovely ASL by Carol Downing.

A marine science bedtime story in English and Spanish, and in ASL, illustrated by fantastic artists at Creative Clay who happen to have disabilities. Told by the marvelous Eugenie Bondurant, Dora Arreola and Carol Downing – inspired by the crucial work of marine scientists at the University of South Florida.

The visuals aren’t literal – they spark your own imagination. Paintings and multimedia works by visual artists with developmental and physical disabilities, and artists known around the world. Photographs of marine science, gardening and dance.

I’ve been trying to get the word out, and I really need your help. I know we can share these stories with kids who will love them.

I welcome your ideas!

Because amid the awful, our world’s rich with lovely moments and kind people. I’m heartened by these words from scenic designer Dahlia Al-Habieli. She’s looking at the coming year and sending love to friends.

“Things may get worse for all of us for awhile. But eventually they will also get better. 2025 will be a RIDE, but I am going into it grateful for the company.”

I’m so very grateful, too.

Sparks Creative Stories YouTube channel

Thank you so much for subscribing – and so many thanks for sharing

Coming Up!

Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 pm during USFSP’s Art + Science Pop-Up Exhibition – Well, Gee, It’s Algae! with the fantastic Vickie Daignault plus fun and fascinating Algae Yoga with marine scientist and yoga teacher Aaliyah Miller.

Thursday, February 13, 4-5 pm at the Dunedin Fine Art Center – Wombat is Easy to Wow! The wonderful Fanni Green and Jim Wicker share the story of a girl whose wild imagination is driving her sister crazy (in English + ASL), until she uses it to cheer her sister up. Then draw how you’d use your imagination to cheer somebody up, to illustrate a new Sparks video to share. $10 for 1 child with a grownup

Rainbow Forest (detail)
by Sheryl L.

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